Title: The Game @ Woodford Folk Festival
Year: 2010
Project Type: Large Scale interactive Public Art Installation.
Location: Woodford Folk Festival, QLD.
Materials: Various
In November/ December 2010 Mia had the adventure of working with theatre performer, producer and mastermind Tim Monley. Creating a series of booths for the interactive performance project The Game which took place at the Woodford Folk Festival.
Brisbane artist Jan van Dyke was commissioned to illustrate a deck of The Game playing cards, Mia and Tim then devised and created the series of booths where these real life characters would reside, waiting to be unlocked by the keen game players.
The pre production was an operation of creative logistics with construction taking place in Melbourne, Brisbane and Woodford. Mia coordinated the pre production and installation working with an amazing crew of volunteers led by the young and talented artist Ruth Twardy
As The Game was in full festival swing there where dares to be done, secrets to be told and quests to complete! From the Jokers Lair to the Royal Quarters, the Film Trailer to Zoltar... a bizarre and dazzling time was had by all!