Title: Bend and Sway
Year: 2016
Project Type: Stonington Art Town Exhibition.
Location: Chapel off Chapel Gallery VIC
Materials: Recycled fabric remnants and zips, threads, copper, wood
Bend and Sway is an installation work developed in situ at Fool Clothing Boutique in Greville St, Prahran, as part of the annual Stonnington Art Town Event.
This work’s beginning point is in the use of the vibrant fabric offcuts from the current Fool collection, which is designed and made in Melbourne.
This work draws inspiration from the cycles of time and fashion, in particular the changing face of Greville St and its many incarnations. Bend and Sway explores the desire to renew, reshape and rethink with our continued impulse to create.
This year, Mia participated in her third Art Town Exhibition. Over two weekends, invited artists create works inspired by what’s around them while making the street their own very public studio. Visitors can interact with painters, collagists, photographers and illustrators as these unexpected moments of beauty, amusement, reflection and intrigue unfold.