Title: Platypus’s Waterhole – Dulaiwurrong Tamboree
Year: 2016
Project Type: Digital Project, commissioned by the Yarra Ranges Shire, in conjuction with State Government of Victoria, Communities for Platypus and Healesville Community Indigenous Services Association (HICSA).
Location: Filmed at various locations in Healesville.
Materials: Two-minute Digital Work.
Creative Collaborators: Editing & Effects - Andrea Werner, DOP -Martin Reddy, Sound Design - Matt Coldrick.
Mia was invited to develop and produce a two-minute promotional DVD to encourage healthy habitat for the platypus through the reduction of litter in our waterways.
Working with HICSA youth group (6-15-year-olds), we recorded and filmed a song written in Wurundjeri language by Aunty Joy Murphy. This song depicts the iconic platypus and other water creatures that are loved in our waterways.
We filmed at Healesville Sanctuary, Badger Weir, Badger Creek and HICSA and collaborated with Plastic Bag Free Healesville and Healesville Environment Watch Inc (HEWI).