Title: Mali’s Crimson Song
Year: 2012
Project Type: Mali in the City Public Art Project by Melboune Zoo
Location: Mia’s work was situated in the Fitzroy Gardens, and now resides in Kangaroo Ground at a private residence.
Materials: Fibre Glass Mali, Paper, Glue, Varnish.
Mali in the City is a public art project celebrating 150 years of Melbourne Zoo. In conjunction with Wild at Art the project brings art to the streets and aims to raise awareness and funds for the Zoos conservation program. Mali is the first female Elephant to be born at the Melbourne Zoo
50 life size fiber glass Mali’s, created by 46 artists exploring themes of conversation, ecology, sustainability and life. Artists worked on their Mali’s at the Melbourne Zoo in the old directors quarters, followed by a 5 week exhibition across the Melbourne CBD, with a map and an app to explore and see all the works. The Mali’s then spent a month in the grounds of the Zoo, followed by a very successful auction.
Mia’s Mali is titled Crimson Song, and was created by hand cutting and collaging her collected papers. Mali’s Crimson Song is inspired by the weaving together of the many parts to create one. Just as the colours burst into life from reds to golds, blending and interacting, so to does our world: in our landscapes, our communities and in our selves.