Title: Many Threads @ Sculpture by the Sea, Cottesloe
Year: 2012
Project Type: Sculptural Installation.
Location: Sculpture by the Sea, Cottesloe, W.A.
Materials: Wool, threads, fishing line, weights.
Mia’s work Many Threads, developed in the Art Town project (see Many Threads Art Town page), was accepted to be a part of the 2012 Sculpture by the Sea, Cottesloe show.
In this wonderful natural environment, Many Threads truly became a live kinetic sculpture; moving, spinning and shaking with breezes and the touches of viewers interacting with it. The work was on the sand below the surf life saving club and utilised the wooden shade boxes as suspension points.
Mia and her team spent two full days installing the work, with lots of swims in the ocean to cool down from the heat! The installation began with building a false ceiling of fishing line and suspension cord, followed by suspending each piece of the work, completed by dug-in sand bags for weights.
A wonderful experience was had working with a welcoming team of volunteers and organisers, bringing together this logistical triumph of a free public exhibition.