Title: Melton Youth Services Public Art Project
Year: 2009
Project Type: Permanent Public Art Work.
Location: Melton Youth Services Building, Melton, VIC.
Materials: Wood, collage, alluminium.
As part of the construction of the new Youth Services facility in Melton, the Melton Council funded a large-scale art project for the new building. Mia Rappel was the hired artist and project manager for the public art project. Mia worked with the youth services team, and a variety of young people over a four month period in 2008-2009 to develop, create and install the artwork. Over the months weekly art workshops were run at the youth services centre. Young people had the opportunity to experiment with materials and develop their ideas; they worked with collage, stencils, drawing, ink painting, text, beading and fabrics. The theme was individuality and the aim was to engage, explore and create! The result is a permanent installation of 18 totem like aluminium pillars with a jigsaw of unique art works. 75 individual works are included with many more created in the development process. An estimated 120 young people and staff contributed to the overall work.