Title: Art Program Facilitator
Year: 2005-2010
Project Type: Art Therapist and Art Program Facilitator for YSAS (Youth Substance Abuse Services )
Location: Fitzroy, Glen Iris, Dandenong.
Materials: Various
From April 2005 to Easter 2010 Mia worked as an arts facilitator with YSAS (Youth Substance Abuse Services). She developed and delivered weekly art programs in the Fitzroy Residential Unit, Fitzroy Day Program, Glen Iris Residential Unit and the Dandenong Day Program. Over these years Mia worked with a diverse range of young people from different social, economical and cultural backgrounds, with different life obstacles, risks, and dreams. Her programs included a diverse range of materials and techniques including, collage, drawing, screen printing, stencils, murals, jewelry and painting.
“It is difficult to speak highly enough of Mia’s work at YSAS to date. The young people she has worked with have benefited so much from her passion, commitment and unbelievable energy. She has the ability to easily engage a diverse range of vulnerable young people into art based activities. Mia is equally comfortable working with large groups of young people as well as individuals and I have personally witnessed occasions when initially reluctant, uninterested young people have ended up engaged and excited about an art project”
an excerpt from a Reference by Dom Ennis, Manager YSAS CNW community programs