Title: Silk Waves
Year: 2013
Project Type: Stonnington Art Town Exhibition.
Location: Chapel off Chapel Gallery, VIC
Materials: Offcuts of raw and printed silk, wire, wool, threads, collected keys and beads.
PRIZE WINNER: This piece won the People’s Choice Award
Silk Waves is an installation work developed in situ at Cylk clothing boutique in Chapel Street, South Yarra. The work’s beginning point is in the use of raw and printed silk offcuts from the current Cylk Made in Melbourne collection.
The work reflects on the historical path of hand-made clothes and objects and the traditional use of natural fibres. Silk Waves explores the contemporary awareness to reduce, reuse and recycle, and the importance of sustainable and ethical fashion as reflected in the Cylk ethos.
This year, Mia participated in her second Art Town Exhibition. Over two weekends, invited artists created works inspired by what’s around them while making the street their own very public studio. Visitors interacted with painters, collagists, photographers and illustrators as these unexpected moments of beauty, amusement, reflection and intrigue unfolded.
Mia spent two weekends in the window of the Cylk boutique, stitching and building the work, engaging with passersby, and talking with people about the Art Town project and her work.