Title: Walker Street Windows Project
Year: 2009
Project Type: Eight new store designs in one street, with a simultaneous unveiling of a complete window revitalisation.
Location: Walker Street, City of Greater Dandenong.
Materials: Various.
The Walker Street Windows Projects is funded by the City of Greater Dandenong and Vic Urban. An eight store window revitalization, presented in Summer 2008-2009.
Mia Rappel worked with traders and council exploring the obstacles and needs of each store. She then created an individual window design to spotligt the stores stock, strengths and points of difference.
The Walker Street Windows Project was a several month project, from gathering traders interest and developing individual design concepts, to construction and implementation. December 2008 saw Walker Street come alive with silk roses, handmade lamps, perspex trains and cruise ships, fabric screens, lawn bowels cruising on windows, present boxes, a large scale collage of music culture, bold new signage and beautiful perspex displays. The stores included, bridal wear, jewellery, cake supplies, lawn bowels, a recycled music store and a travel agent.