Title: A Window into Wurun: Children Connecting to Reconciliation
Year: 2016
Project Type: Digital Project, commissioned by the Yarra Ranges Shire
Location: Filmed at Wurun Child and Family Place Healesville
Materials: Three-minute digital work.
Creative Collaboraters: Editing & Effects - Andrea Werner and DOP - Martin Reddy
Mia was invited by the Yarra Ranges Shire to create a digital work exploring the ways that local Aboriginal values of Respect, Caring and Sharing are coming to life in Aboriginal cultural programs at Wurun Child and Family Place.
This digital story shows how the journey of Reconciliation is having a positive impact on young children’s engagement and learning in their early years of education.
Wurun Child and Family Place is a partnership between early years, health and Aboriginal services. Since 2010, they have been working together under a model of Reconciliation.
Produced in 2016 during Reconciliation Week, it features children at Robyn Jane Children’s Centre, Boorai Indigenous Early Years and Haig Avenue Preschool.