Title: Many Threads @ Art Town
Year: 2011
Project Type: Stonnington Art Town Exhibition.
Location: Chapel off Chapel Gallery, VIC
Materials: Wool, threads, fishing line.
PRIZE WINNER: this piece won the Peoples Choice Award
The 2011 Art Town Project & Exhibition, is an exploration and celebration of the creativity and history of the Chapel St precinct. Artists responded to the theme 'the challenge of change', creating artwork live over 2 weekends in the streets of Prahran, culminating in an Exhibition at Chapel off Chapel.
Mia’s piece is an exploration of the many threads that weave together to create both our community and our personal lives. Mia set up camp in the Grattan Gardens, Greville St, where with the help of friends, family and passers by she weaved the many coloured threads into a collection of spheres to be assembled later in the gallery space.